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Mr. Homer

There are some people who come into your life, and you know immediately that they are a gift from God. Homer Gordon was that kind of person. Quiet, kind, and compassionate are just a few of the adjectives that I would use to describe this man.

Homer was a man with a work ethic that was unmatched. He gave 100% of himself to his job and to the people that he ministered among. His gentle quiet ways made you want to be his friend. His humbleness made you want to be like him. His earnestness made you wish there were more people like him in the world. His gentle way with children made you wish that every child had a Homer in their life.

Homer Gordon was the custodian at Highland Hills Baptist Church from 1997 until 2023. He served that community of faith for 26 years with a heart of integrity and love. If you needed something, Homer would do anything in his power to get it for you. If he couldn’t meet your need, he would be humbly apologetic even if it wasn’t his fault.

I served at Highland Hills Baptist Church with Homer for 24 years. During those years, my children were usually with me as I worked and ministered. Homer loved them as if they were his own. He protected them. He nurtured them. He kept his eye on them. He loved them.

They were a part of his life until the very end. “How are Caitlyn and Chase?” he always asked. He watched them grow up from their earliest days until the day he took his last breath. He loved it when they visited with him after they left home for college. His smiles and hugs meant the world to them. Mr. Homer was a constant in their lives. He never failed them. His love was genuine and constant. They will never forget their Mr. Homer.

I will never forget this kind, gentle man. Homer never let me down. In the same way that he loved my children, he loved me. Humble and servant-hearted, that was our Homer. I have known many people with titles and degrees dripping from their resumes, but I honestly believe that the greatest who walked among us was this kind servant – Homer Gordon. May he rest in peace and rise in glory. Amen.


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