Many of us would simply like to kick 2021 to the curb tonight when the clock strikes midnight, but what good would that do us? I have said it before, and I will say it again, it has been a difficult year. However, to boot 2021 out the door without a bit of reflection won't bring us healing.
In the hours of 2021 that remain, let's follow the wisdom of the poet and philosopher John O'Donohue who says,

"We bless this year for all we learned, For all we loved and lost And for the quiet way it brought us Nearer to our invisible destination."
Spend a few moments in reflection today. If it has been a difficult year with losses and hardship, think back on what that has taught you. Who has stood beside you? What lessons have been learned? How have you been held in God's grace?
If your year has brought you joy and happiness, then celebrate! God wants God's children to be filled with good things. Share your prosperity with those in need. Hold onto your hope and give thanks.
The beginning of a new year can offer us a moment to pause and think about where we are heading. Our invisible destination is towards God. That is where our soul longs to be. May this new year offer you the blessing of discovering more of your true self. May the practices of prayer, meditation, worship, and devotion draw you closer to the God who loves you and holds you. May peace, rest, and joy be yours in 2022.